We talked with Moritz Putzhammer, co-founder & CEO of Trality.

How would you describe your company in a single tweet?

Trality is *the* platform for anyone to create and invest through automated crypto trading bots.

How did it all start and why?

The idea for Trality came from our private trading experiences. During our studies, we started trading digital (crypto-) assets to help finance our studies, but we realized quite soon that as a private person, it is very hard to continuously make profits when actively trading. Following some research, it turns out that statistics agree: over 80% of private traders actually lose money when day trading.

Why is this? One of the main reasons for this is that humans are simply not good at making rational, unbiased decisions. We are very biased when it comes to assessing things like the optimal timing to open or close trading positions. Professionals, for example on Wall St. but also in crypto trading have long since figured this out and have completely automated their trading. By close to 90% of trading in a professional context is purely based on algorithms instead of human decision making. In the private space however, you simply do not find this wide-spread automation. Why is that? Because in order to be successful with automated trading, you need good tools to help you. And up until now, these tools have always been expensive, complex and time-consuming to learn. 

This is where we decided to step in! Following some initial trials with some personal automation tools for our own private trading, we recognized that other people might face similar challenges. We hence decided to turn our efforts into a platform, which would eventually enable millions of private traders to benefit from automation. The idea for Trality was born. 

What have you achieved so far?

We are proud that over the course of the past 2 years, we have obtained several public grants, which helped us to build and complete a Beta version of our platform and in turn managed to attract significant investment from international angel and institutional investors. By now, we are ready to complete our Beta, and enter the market. Moreover, we have grown our Team from two founders to 10 full-time members. As a result, over 3500 users have already signed up for our platform and we are receiving tons of great feedback from their use every day. 

How will you use your recent funding round?

With the funds obtained in our recent funding round, we will be able to reach the next logical step in our company development. We are transforming from a self-funded venture to a seed startup aiming to solidify our position in the market. In order to achieve this, hiring the best team members and investing heavily into marketing will obviously be key. 

What do you plan to achieve in the next 2-3 years?

We believe that in the future, everything is going to be automated by bots. Doesn’t matter whether it’s our communication, our smart home or our transportation…

I am convinced the same also goes for our investments and once that is a reality, there will be one and only one platform that people think about for automated private investments: Trality!

We are building a marketplace platform for crypto trading bots, which will eventually become a 1-stop shop for all automated investments of our users. Trading bots will manage their investments in an environment that is both easily accessible and highly curated.

Across asset classes, across platforms – all in one place.

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