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QueryClick has raised £2M in total. We talk with Chris Liversidge, its CEO.

PetaCrunch: How would you describe QueryClick in a single tweet?

Chris Liversidge: QueryClick are laser focused on performance and delivering client value through ROI, through the use of our unique machine learning-based software.  

PC: How did it all start and why?

CL: Chris has been working with websites since the turn of the millennium and has spent more than 13 years in digital marketing. He worked for an independent agency in Edinburgh which grew over three years to become the largest global independant digital marketing agency in the world before being acquired by what became Publicis. Having learned on the front-line what success looks like, both for agencies and for clients, and about the challenges of hyper growth, he founded QueryClick and began the process of building a new type of agency focused on performing for its clients.  

PC: What have you achieved so far?

CL: Last year we delivered £366m uplift in organic revenues, and drove an average ROI of 12.1 for non-brand paid spend. We are fortunate to work with enterprise brands such as EE, BT, Tesco and Vitality, which is only set to grow with the introduction of our machine-learning software Corvidae to the market. 

PC: How will you use your recent funding round?

CL: QueryClick has developed a unique, machine learning-based attribution solution, Corvidae. The marketing software enables companies to precisely allocate their investments in different marketing channels to ensure the maximum possible return on investment. QueryClick’s Corvidae reveals up to 334% more data for attribution than market-leading competitors, tracking the “customer journey” across all advertising platforms including television, newspapers, magazines, out of home and digital. In our first test case deployment, we returned 40:1 ROI for our client. We will use the investment to recruit additional analysts and sales staff and to mount a significant marketing effort to accelerate its growth in this fast-developing sector. 

PC: What do you plan to achieve in the next 2-3 years?

CL: With the growth of Corvidae in the UK, we aim to expand out to the US Markets and explore new verticals and partnership channels. 

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