DeepCode has raised $5.2M in total. We talk with Boris Paskalev, its CEO.

PetaCrunch: How would you describe DeepCode in a single tweet?

Boris Paskalev: DeepCode is the first AI platform for Better Software that really understands how code work. We identify bugs before they happen to fulfil developers’ true coding potential and deliver quality products, faster.

PC: How did it all start and why?

BP: It really started during the many years of research that Dr. Veselin Raychev and Prof. Dr. Martin Vechev did in ETH Zurich (the MIT of Europe) in the fields of learning from Big Code and program analysis. In 2016, Dr. Raychev’s dissertation won the highly honorable mention by ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award and the early findings made it clear that the software development space is ripe for a revolution and no-one else was (is even today) any closer to enabling that.

PC: What have you achieved so far?

BP: We have a tremendous team of 12 experts that continue to deliver cutting-edge innovation in the space, our platform is already surpassing on all KPIs all existing tools and preparing to 10x all of them, and the best part it is fully autonomous and continuous learning: The DeepCode software platform learns from all developers around the world (almost like crowdsourcing) instead of requiring experts to express their knowledge/ideas in manually crafted rules. We are free for open-source, small teams and educations use and have an ever-growing number of users, frameworks and organizations. On the pure B2B, we have dozens of Fortune 500 companies that are using or waiting to start at various stages, but our NDAs are still not allowing us to mention their names.

PC: How will you use your recent funding round?

BP: Growing the team.

Further expanding the platform – our core team passion, expertise, and goal remains to understand/represent code in a machine learnable form so the information can be used to augment every aspect of software development workflow and infer hard to grasp developer trends, knowledge and techniques.

Removing any barriers for every single developer to be able to use DeepCode: new languages, integrations, even better performance etc.

PC: What do you plan to achieve in the next 2-3 years?

BP: Be at least 10x better on all KPIs (at least the one that really matters) than any existing tools.

Make sure that every single developer knows about the DeepCode software platform and its unique capabilities.

Release a couple of new services to make the life of developers easier and allow them to achieve their true coding potential, which in turn will allow them to deliver higher quality products in a more reliable, secure and consistent manner.

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