Aito has raised €1.5M in total. We talk with its team.

PetaCrunch: How would you describe Aito in a single tweet?

Aito: Aito is a predictive database for developers. It allows rapid experimentation and replaces the current ML tools that have a steep learning curve and generate only single-purpose models.

PC: How did it all start and why?

Aito: The initial thought of combining machine learning with a database was born already ten years ago by Aito’s Co-founder and Chief Data Scientist Antti Rauhala. Aito was inspired by the fact that AI projects were usually expensive, long, and require unique skill sets such as data science. 

We had a vision that equipped with proper tools a software developer is able to do a hell of a job and we started from what is very familiar to so many developers: the database. We are making a database that, using the known data, predicts the unknowns automatically.

PC: What have you achieved so far?

Aito: Already being tested in the wild, Aito is currently being used to automatically suggest categories for documents uploaded to contract management system; to find relevant movies based on similarity; and to automate conversational UI workflows and provide predictions on which customer complaints will escalate.

For example, Aito created a demand simulator for IKEA that recognizes the different features of the new products, compares them to the historical data of products already in the assortment, and makes an accurate estimation on how big the demand of these completely new products will be.

PC: How will you use your recent funding round?

Aito: Funding will fuel Aito’s go-to-market strategy, further R&D, and extend the team with new talent. Currently, is in private beta and early access can be applied for at Aito will be publicly launched later this year. 

What do you plan to achieve in the next 2-3 years?

Aito: Aito’s mission is to make machine learning as easy as SQL and turn millions of software developers into AI developers. Aito will become the standard for various business-critical predictions such as predict demand, explain conversion, predict churn, optimise pricing, personalize content, recommend products, and maximize the lifetime value. 

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